Getting things done is nice, however throwing oneself carefree into arbitrary projects is what really adds spice 🌶 - and desperation - to ones life! That said this is the legacy of ideas, works-in-progress and almost but never finished projects 🤷‍♂️. Sometimes the journey 🛫 is the reward and that's perfectly alright! 🙆‍♂️

MaaBC: Motorola MC68000 as a Breadboard Computer 🤦

"Just remember that a CPU is literally a rock that we tricked into thinking. Not to oversimplify: first you have to flatten the rock and put lightning inside it." - @daisyowl, 14.03.2017 Sooo... This has been on my list for so many years now:...

BMW Display Key Fob Data Capture

I was about to polish some SDR knowledge and try to capture a - for me unknown - device emissions and see if I could convert that to 'real' data. The one thing on my desk was a BMW display key fob so let's go for it! 🏃‍♂️‍➡️...

Universal Tracking Platform 📡 (Part I)

Trying to consolidate a bunch of interests is difficult at times! However bringing RF technology, photography and mechanical engineering together seemed to be a good idea. So this is the journey to develop a multi purpose tracking platform.......

PWM MOSFET Driver with a Teensy 4.1

Every wanted to drive a more demanding load with a Teensy? Search no more. A lot of motors you could use for various applications can be controlled using pulse width modulation (PWM). Let's take this DC motor. It comes with some decent torque...

Agilent E4406A VSA 📶

So, we all knew this would happen... I finally bought a Vector Spectrum Analyzer for a reasonable price. It came from University stock and seems to be in good conditions (besides scratches from rack mounting). There is some cleanup to do,...

Logisim Evolution

I've always been looking for a nice logic simulator and found - by accident - Logisim Evolution a nice utility to work with logic schematics and logic simulation. Useful Links

Interfacing 🧱Lego BOOST with a computer

It turns out  LEGO® Boost  is quite a cool low-fi robotics thingy to play around with. Kids off the age of 7 could easily gain first experiences. Even for young grown ups there are quite some nice things to build and discover (admittedly those...

Atari 1040STFM Restoration 👨‍🔧

For everyone in IT there is this one single bike one learned riding on. Albeit my first experiences with computers reach back to a  Sinclair ZX81 and its Sinclair BASIC at the age of six, it took another three years to get a proper home computer....